Blue Bugs Lesson 13

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Schedule changes:

Next week, Lesson 14, is NORMAL, no parents.

April 23rd is Parent day on Lesson 15. This is also the last day of class, and a great opportunity to celebrate your child’s accomplishments!

Recital Information:

  • May 3rd at 6:30PM-8:00PM Recital at the Red Mountain Multigenerational Center.
  • 7550 E Adobe Mesa, AZ 85207
  • Children should wear their LPM shirts and nice pants/skirt with no holes.

Listed below you will find the songs your student’s class will be playing or singing at the recital. Help your child have an AWESOME experience by being prepared!

Recital Practice list

1st year 3:30 class
BELLS: Do, Re, Mi (Major Scale up and down on bells! We WILL also sing the DO MI MI, MI SOL SOL part of the song w/ CD.)
SINGING: Hear How the Bells, Old Paint, Can’t Bug Me, Chords in Pieces

1st year 4:30 class
BELLS: Old Paint: (DO, MI, SOL, DO, MI, SOL etc. over and over again) Play with the CD so they get used to pacing. 
SINGING: Hear How The Bells, Can’t Bug Me and Do, Re, Mi, (practice with solfeg hand signs. On the “DoMiMi” part, this class will sing the lyrics, “When you know the notes to sing..etc.), Chords in Pieces

I have a few openings in my 1st year LPM classes – I’d be SO grateful if you were willing to spread the good word of LPM to friends, family, and neighbors! Feel free to share my website as it has all the details they will need to make an informed decision.

Here is a VERY short video explaining the homework for this week:

Hokey Pokey

This fun traditional song helps to reinforce the SOL LA TI DO melodic cadence pattern. Identifying this pattern over and over again trains the ear to be sensitive to other patterns as well. We’re developing intelligent listeners.

Sight Reading

Today one of our activities was to sight read the steps or skips from a given note. This is a great sign that the students are internalizing and processing several of the the concepts that we’ve been teaching. This is a crucial skill set needed to develop into a music sight reader!

Baby Butterfly / BINGO

Using the Baby Butterfly and BINGO activities we are able to see that our bugs are hiding in EVERY song! Now we’re decoding enough that the kiddos can find these rhythms on their own. Recognizing bug rhythms in songs helps the students to develop the ability to sight read better and then in 3rd year compose their own song.

Let’s practice sight reading!! Open up the Homework booklet and find the Lines & Spaces page at the back. Find some pennies, smarties, or anything that fits between the lines and play some games with your child. Not only is the “Hokey Pokey” training us to be intelligent listeners…it’s a lot of fun too! Here is fun video for your kids grab them and follow along.

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!