Red Balloons Lesson 4

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Hi, you fabulous parents! Class was so fun today. I love interacting with your students and teaching them through play. It’s simply the best job in the whole world!

Are you having fun listening to the music? When you expose your student to the music, and sing a lot, the child experiences fun repetition at home so they learn faster and internalize the concepts and skills in class more rapidly.

HOMEWORK HELP at the bottom of this page!

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Learning to sing harmony

In class we listened and sang the song Hear How the Bells. The kiddos got to sing the melody while the ostinato played on the bells. We’re reinforcing hearing layers of sound as well as the importance of keeping a steady beat.

Music staff training

They are also learning how the music staff works. Notes are on the lines and spaces, and when they go up, our bodies and voices go up, when they go down, our bodies and voices go down! This exposure is prepping them to read music!


Playing the autoharp helps the children gain strength in their hands, helps them to “anticipate” the beat when they strum the strings, and primes their brain to do different right hand and left hand movement. It’s the perfect prep work for playing the piano.


Check this article about practicing the Autoharp at Home…even if you don’t have one!

This short video explains the homework for this week – ignore my goofy face the video chose to freeze on…:-)

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!