Yellow Arrows Lesson 12

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Parents attend next week for lesson 13.
-Lesson 15 is Station Day! This will be held on April 26th. Parents attend Station Day.
-Recital is May 3rd 6:30-8pm
-Registration for 3rd year is almost complete!

There was a lot of important stuff in class today. Here is a short video that will help you help your kiddo at home:

If you or anyone you know has prospective 1st year students (4-6 years old), or Sound Beginnings students (0-4 year olds), now is the time to register as space is very LIMITED. I’d love it if you shared my info with family and friends who might be looking for a program like this.

Celebrate Connections

A few ideas to bring playfulness to practice time!

  • Duet with your parent (octave higher/lower OR they play LH while you play RH)
  • Play the melody with just your index (pointer) finger.
  • Make up your own words to a song and sing your version while you play.

Don’t Put Your Trash
Harmony happens when we sing our designated part AND listen to those around us! What a skill! As a family, each person can choose their favorite part and with the cd sing their part all 3 times! All 3 parts begin on the same pitch and the actions will help you stay on your part.

Tinga Layo
This week we drew in the ‘bulls eye’ and ‘arrow feather’ to create a stylized calypso accompaniment. First, sing, chant, or clap Ting-a-layo with each chord while practicing with your child then sing the lyrics of the song while your child dazzles you with this exciting accompaniment!

Hickory Dickory Dock
Tick, tock let us rock while playing in parallel motion! This is tricky business, playing the same note together with both hands at the same time. Physically rock back and forth with your child to feel the rocking motion their hands will play. Once they get this down enjoy playing the melody while they play the parallel 5ths. What a dynamic duo!

World renowned pianist Vladimir Horowitz shares an inspiring perspective of practicing!

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!