Bridge Lesson 14

YES class next week!
It will be the last class of 2024 and it is a special game day to review skills we learned this semester and celebrate how much they have accomplished so far – but we will be reviewing a few songs before the games start. No parents, in case you were wondering.
Classes will resume January 7th. Don’t let your fingers go on vacation though! Keep the practice habit daily and keep those songs fresh so we don’t waste any time in January. Especially spend time on the new ones like “The First Nowell” and “Bull Fighter’s Dance”. Feel free to practice hands separate until ready to try together. I can do private lessons over break to help if needed.
Bridge Homework #14 video. Students should watch the video for tips and tricks on how to practice strong this week!
Composer’s Corner 14 (links in case the QR doesn’t work)
Mozart –
Symphony No. 40
1. The Royal Problem –
2. Movement 1 –
Theory page answers are attached for parent’s eyes only.
Looking forward to any questions or concerns!
-Judie Hall