Silver Buttons Lesson 5

All children are capable of developing musical talent, and the early years are the perfect time to lay the foundation for further music study. In addition to participating in class, parents can foster a child’s musical development by listening to the music at home and encouraging children to explore other musical experiences.

Four of our songs this semester will help us explore the French language. A recent study found that simply exposing children to more than one language improved social communication skills in their own language! Exposure to other languages means exposure to different social perspectives, giving children “intensive training in perspective taking, which could make them better communicators in any language.”
Optional home fun activity: Color and cut out the pieces for the French scene on page 27 in your workbook
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!