Green Turtle Shells Lesson 14

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Our next class is STATION DAY – CELEBRATION DAY!!! It is a special PARENT DAY. Only one parent need attend. The kids are excited to show you what they’ve learned and play some musical games with you.

Then no class until January 2024!

They are still working on the fingering for the yellow chord. It is the only chord that uses the 2nd finger, so please help them build that habit. Quiz them by asking them to play the red, yellow, and blue chords in any order. Be sure they are using 1-3-5 for red and blue, and 1-2-5 for yellow. Once they can switch back and forth fluently they can explore the other holiday songs in their songbook.

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Chord Transitions
Mom, did you know I can play my chords with my eyes shut? The goal is to have their eyes on the music while they are playing as much as possible, with only quick glances at their fingers. With their favorite song, invite them to memorize it and “see” the chords in their minds while they play with their eyes closed.

Holiday Songs
The holiday songs in the back of the songbook are great practice to reinforce chord transitions while being entertaining for your student and family. These songs will add cheer to the holidays and festivities and they will help solidify the transition between ALL of the chords in the right hand before we begin Yellow Arrows. Jingle away!

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With the holidays approaching here is a Gift Buying Guide for your budding musician!

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!