Green Turtle Shells Lesson 4

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Parent Week Next Week!!

You can make class especially great by arriving a few minutes early so they can get their homework checked, and warmed up before class starts. At home, encourage your child, praise them for the wonderful progress their little hands have made (hugs, DO bonks, high 5’s, etc.), sing along, and HAVE FUN!!!!

Some of the kids were pleased to have earned their quarter/candy machine prize due to their good behavior – yay! This is a great accomplishment! But others were super bummed they didn’t get the same reward. No worries!! They are learning and will for sure earn it next week. Keep reminding them that this is a prize that kids earn at different times, but great behavior will speed up the process. Remind them to try harder this week. 🙂

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White Keys

This week we reviewed anchor notes C & F in class with the 2nd verse of Kit Kat Keyboard. Play a quick game of “Show Me a _______”( LOW F, HIGH C or a MIDDLE C). This will help cement these white anchor notes as well as review keyboard geography!

Red Chord

Do you want to build a snowman? This year, a red chord will always be stacked up nice and neat like a snowman with two stacks of 3rds. Enjoy drawing rounded snowmen for the theory this week!

Old Paint

Now that we know how to read and play a red chord we get to play our favorite Old Paint! When you sing together exaggerate that down beat: good BYE, old PAINT, I’m LEAV-in Chey-ENNE. Mix it up singing in a cowboy voice, an opera voice, in a video for grandma! SING ALONG as your child accompanies you both feeling the steady beat and hearing beautiful harmonies all at once!

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Our first puppet show this year has been renamed “Spring Bees” for the sake of Let’s Play Music’s story line. However, its real name is “Spring” and is from a set of four violin concertos called, The Four Seasons composed by Antonio Vivaldi. What is your child’s favorite character? Can they hear the loud (forte) and soft (piano) within the themes? Which themes are major and which ones are minor?

Please review with them their proper finger numbers:

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!