Green Turtle Shells Lesson 7

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Please try to drop your kiddo off no more than 5 minutes early. Kids who get dropped off earlier than that can get bored and behavior might start to be an issue.

Don’t bring toys or snacks to class please.

Please try to have BOTH the music book and the work book in class each week.

Lastly, the parent signatures in their workbooks are getting forgotten – please help your child reach their goals and earn their rewards by practicing and marking their books properly. We really can’t do this without you!

There was some great playing today!! I loved seeing C position, Firetruck dings, and red chords! We even listened to the minor chord! Isn’t it scary??? And guess what? Our students can now recognize all of the Red, Yellow and Blue chords in notation, and it won’t be long before they play them, too. Their homework for this week has Red (Snowman Shape, Do-Mi-Sol), Blue (Top Heavy, Do-Fa-La), and Yellow (Bottom Heavy, Ti-Re-Sol) chords in triangle form and musical notation! Please help them identify and mark them properly.

Don’t forget to let your children play along to the accompaniment tracks! (Numbers given below). Thank you so much for your diligence at home! Your children are progressing nicely! Thanks for the sacrifices you make at home and getting them to class! It is worth it!

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Three Blind Mice #26

We can play a Mi Re Do! How fun to be able to play along with the accompaniment tracks! This repetition is great for strengthening fingers, and training ears to hear a melodic ostinato! Make sure they are singing along and playing with the accompaniment tracks to make this even more valuable. If you or anyone plays the guitar, or ukulele, have a jam session and sing along!

Turtle Shells #20

It’s important to understand that a 2nd does not have to always be a C and a D. Any two adjacent white notes are a 2nd. The same thinking goes for 3rds (skip one white key) and 4ths (skip two white keys). Knowing how intervals look on the staff, how they are spaced on the keyboard, and how they sound when played is invaluable ear training and staff reading knowledge!

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Here’s a great, quick video from our Making Musicians Blog on using “laser beam eyes” while following the notes on the page as you play! The goal is to keep our eyes on the book rather than our fingers which helps draw the correlation between what is written and what is being played.

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!