Green Turtle Shells Lesson 9

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Remember to place the yellow stickers on your keyboard. (If you didn’t get yellow stickers at the beginning of the semester, grab them next week – I have extras by the door. Use something else to mark your pianos for now).

Now that your child can play the yellow chord, there are more songs they are able to learn! Practice time will increase up to 5-10 mins. Adding this chord can be tricky for most students.

If you find your child struggling, continue doing the Bubble Hand Exercise to strengthen those little muscles. Below is a SUPER helpful video playlist explaining some of the trickier concepts today. All quick videos, and valuable. The final video in this list is a full class overview if your child missed class today – only 7 minutes. It is intended for YOU to watch and then figure it out and explain what you learned to your child. They won’t be able to do it on their own.

It is critical that you help your child practice this week. THANK YOU!!!

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Chords in Pieces

Chords in Pieces are simply each block red, yellow or blue chord BROKEN into 3 separate pieces or notes. The 3 notes of each chord can be in any order and they remain the same color chord, just rearranged in different patterns. For example the red chord can be rearranged in pieces of Do-Mi-Sol, Mi-Sol-Do, OR Sol-Do-Mi! All of these arrangements are still the red chord. This is the same for the blue and yellow.

Row, Row, Row

As you’re ROWING along this week, keep a slow and steady beat to really SINK in the Yellow Chord! To prepare to play the Yellow Chord, remind your child aurally and visually that only the thumb (#1) slides over to the next key. All other fingers (2, 3, 4, 5) stay put, lightly resting on the keys. As long as those fingers stay put, the hand has an anchor and the child knows where he is on the keyboard, even without looking. Our goal is to keep all of the fingers in contact with the keys, so they will be ready for quick transitions.


Print out the fun coloring pages that are attached and turn on “Hoedown” while they color.

Hoedown Coloring Book PDF

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We LOVE the YELLOW Chord! Please add the yellow stickers to the keyboard on B, D, & G. It is essential that fingers 1, 2, and 5 are used to create the yellow chord. An easy way to drill in this habit is to show the LOVE to your child by signing I LOVE YOU before you play it with the right hand!

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!