Red Balloons Lesson 9

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Please click the button at the bottom of the page to print your child’s puppet show. Have fun coloring your new puppet show pages!

It’s important that you help your child color/cut/paste their puppets to the sticks so they can bring them to class EVERY week. It’s always tragic when everyone has their puppets except one child.

The kids are doing great! Parents, thank you for being so consistent and supportive to your kiddos. You help me, as the teacher, to add another layer of knowledge each week because you have so nicely cemented the previous week’s concepts and skills. Keep up the good work! Your kids will thank you for this. You’re creating smarties!

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Baby Step, Leap

We sing, dance, and notate on the staff board a step and a leap when we sing this song. The students are subconsciously learning intervals. In the second year, we will bring this knowledge to their conscious mind by labeling the steps and skips.

Waltz of the Flowers

Today I performed our new puppet show for the whole class! This activity helps train our ears to hear patterns and how music is put together. We call this classical form.

Echo Ed

We used Echo Ed to give the children a chance to independently imitate a melodic pattern. Singing develops the ear too!

Ooooo Halloween

Ooooo Halloween allows us to hear in our heads (audiate) the beats that aren’t played aloud. This activity subconsciously teaches the students how to feel a steady beat and anticipate the beat. It’s so fun!


Click here to watch this video and learn interesting facts about the composer of the song Waltz of the Flowers and print out the coloring book for your student.

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!