Orange Roots Lesson 10

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Thank you for sending your kiddos in their awesome LPM shirts!! Be sure to keep them safe for a few more weeks for our recital!

Help your children polish Russian Sailor’s Dance and Bagatelle Bridges (C Major) as they might be played in our recital in just a few weeks. Also help them learn the words for “Let’s Find the Root” on the audio tracks.

Next week is PRIVATE LESSON week! Text me if you don’t remember time.

Next week for private lessons have your child come 5 minutes early. If you haven’t already, start writing in possible elements to your child’s existing composition–a bridge, a coda, an introduction. Or at LEAST talk to your child about adding some elements and I can work my magic on my end. Either way, send their old composition (with any new notes) in addition to the homework booklet so I can still check practicing and homework.

The Circus
The official name of this puppet show is Symphony No. 1, 2nd movement by Gustav Mahler.
Mahler named his entire first symphony ‘The Titan’. It was originally written as a symphonic poem, meaning that the music followed a “plot,” in five movements instead of the traditional four. The second movement, the finale of which we use as our circus puppet show, is labeled “Set With Full Sails.” Interestingly, this melody is in an Austrian folk dance form called a ländler (in 3/4 time). For those of you who like trivia, this is the dance from The Sound of Music during which Maria and Captain Von Trapp fall in love.

Check out this youth orchestra performing the music to our Circus puppet show live. These performers aren’t a whole lot older than your child! When you click on the link, listen carefully for some new music not on our CD. Ask your child if it makes them think of a possible new character/theme for our show!

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!