Orange Roots Lesson 7
- SPIRIT MONTH begins March 1st!! Check out THIS POST for all the details.
- Registration for Bridge begins March 1st as well – many of the students are excited to learn more music with dragons and keys to magical kingdoms. Ask them if Bridge is something they’d like to do so you’re prepared to enroll next week.
- We learned the real names of R, B, Y being I, IV, and V– we are transitioning from naming our chords by color and naming them by number which is the method used by the REST of the musical world and discovering why they have these particular number names
- We learned to find SOL (by singing twinkle, TWINKLE) and took melodic dictation in G major!
- We learned F chord inversions- We started playing the blue chord in its inversions today. We used 3 blue counters on the keyboards – putting them on middle C, F and A, (which is actually 2nd inversion) and then jumped the first blue counter up to the next octave C – for the root position version of this triad. Remember, the letter names stay the same, the order is just mixed up! Here’s a quick demo video to help visualize
- We learned how draw a sharp
- how draw an eighth note
- SHOWTIME next week for Cockles and Mussels, so send me a Marco Polo video of your child’s best effort! It doesn’t have to be perfect.
DO is Home
While finding a pitch (out of thin air) through audiation isn’t a new thing for our Let’s Play Music student, we are now switching it up. We started to find ‘fa’ and make F home instead of C and now we will make G home, instead of C and F. We are always doing this relative to Middle C to continually reinforce the sound of Middle C and to teach relative pitch.
Scale Degrees
Actually numbering the steps of the scale as ‘scale degrees’ is the first step in transitioning out of calling our primary chords by colors. The Red, Blue, and Yellow chords are respectively the I, IV and V chord (we call them 1, 4, and 5) and they get their chord names because their root is that numbered scale degree within the scale.
Did you know that your little musician has super powers? They really do!!!
For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!