Purple Magic Lesson 13

Next week we have class Wednesday, then no class the week of Thanksgiving. Our final class is Wednesday December 4th – it is our PARENT DAY STATION DAY!! Last day of the semester!
Thank parents for coming today and for your ongoing support. As you saw today, the kids are needing your help more and more this semester. Never fear, these concepts will begin to click and they will really become comfortable next semester. We are learning a lot of really incredible stuff – please help your kiddo solidify this stuff at home.
Next week is Showtime for Twinkle, Jingle Bells* and Away in a Manger*. Keep in mind, we are looking for a snapshot of your child’s ability, so don’t stress too much about it being hands together, or performance ready. Just have them practice these songs as normal and by the end of the week, send me a video of their progress. No pressure!
Below are the images you need for the theory assignment: transposing Jingle Bells to F Major. Really you only need the F Major pic, but I included both for reference.

Here is a quick review of the explanation for Away in a Manger.
Twinkles: Have your child focus on one ‘variation’ to play for you– maybe they can even come up with their own minor or fancy variation. Here is one of our very own Let’s Play Music graduates playing their ‘snazzy’ variation of Twinkle Twinkle.

Away in a Manger
This repertoire piece is a fun one – using both hands in the treble clef. It’s kind of a bonus song* along with Jingle Bells. We will show off that we understand the skills in class, but don’t forget these fun songs and keep working on them over the semester break.

With the holidays approaching here is a Gift-Buying Guide for Musical Kids.
Thanksgiving Improv Game
Try this fun improvisation activity at home during your break, and sing all the things you’re thankful for! Play as explained in the video, or switch it and sing a melodyand then add the chords that sound nice with it. If you get stuck, try fill-in-the-blank lyrics like “I am thankful for _______.” or leave out the ‘thankful’ part and just sing two words like “____ and ____” (pumpkin pie and ice cream/music and piano/family and friends and especially YOU!).

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!