Pink Piggies Lesson 6

Sound Beginnings is built on the premise that everyone is capable of developing musical talent and that the early years are the perfect time to start building a musical skillset. The meaningful and purpose-filled class activities provide a foundation for further music study. Parents can foster a child’s musical development by participating in class, listening to the album at home, and encouraging children to explore other music experiences.
We have students of all levels and capacities in our classes and the diversity makes class exciting! I thank you for your patience as some kiddos explore their limits and enjoy music in their own way. Please continue to help your children be aware of the expectations, without forcing, and help them contribute to our playful environment.
If things start getting a little hectic in class, be sure you as a parent are not making it louder with extra chatter that should be saved for after class. Model the expected behaviors, sitting on spots, listening to Ms. Judie, singing along, doing the proper movements. Continually redirect your child to the proper place, and they will begin to understand.
March 1st is the beginning of Open Enrollment for our Fall semester music classes! I suggest registering ASAP, especially if there is a specific class time you hope to get into.
March is also our big SPIRIT MONTH with incentives and prizes to earn! More details will be coming out about that next week.
The 2nd week of March is SPRING BREAK, so no classes that week.

The syllables and hand signs we use in class are part of a pitch-learning method called solfege. It is widely taught at all levels of music education and has numerous benefits. Learning solfege:
• strengthens pitch relationships and develops relative pitch
• improves sight singing abilities
• aids in transcribing (writing down) music
• improves improvisational and composition skills
Optional home fun activity: Use your paper coins for the sorting activity on page 4
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!