Pink Piggies Lesson 7

Big Announcements
Tomorrow is the official start of SPIRIT MONTH! Briefly, this is a chance for us to celebrate and share your love of Sound Beginnings and it is also a HUGE help to me in growing my studio! Here are the details:
First off, REGISTRATION begins tomorrow! I do have a waiting list of families for SBs and LPM next semester, so if there is a specific class time you need, don’t delay registering to secure that spot.
PRIZES: I have assembled a large number of musical giveaways ranging from $5-$40 in value. Let’s Play Music is also offering dozens of $50 gift cards.
To earn 10 tickets a week there is a task to complete (see below).
Week 1: Share a pic from class on social media #JudieMusic #SoundBeginnings #weloveLPM2022
Week 2: SPRING BREAK Register for next semester if you haven’t already. Registration opens Mar. 1.
Week 3: Wear a Sound Beginnings t-shirt, or something else musical to class. (this one is trickier for SBs families because I don’t provide a t-shirt at this age group. Feel free to get creative! 🙂
Week 4: Share a pic of your kiddo enjoying their Sound Beginnings music and maracas at home! #JudieMusic #SoundBeginnings #weloveLPM2022
Week 5: Share a review on LPM’s google page (20 raffle tickets + a chance to win $50 gift card from LPM!)
BONUS: Host a yard sign for the month for 30 RAFFLE TICKETS
**When posting on social media, be sure to use the 3 hashtags listed above so you are entered in both my raffle and LPM corporate’s raffle. If they share one of your posts on their page you automatically get a $50 gift card! Also, you can use one of their images below to add to your post:

Price Adjustments effective August 2022
This is not my favorite topic, but corporate LPM has raised our Minimum Advertised Pricing, which means I must raise my studio pricing. Please let me know if this is a problem as I am allowed to accept trades in goods and services for a portion of tuition if that helps to relieve any financial burden. I don’t want money to ever prevent a child from being in my music classes. See the pic below for details:

Play is powerful! Research shows that play is the most effective pathway to learning. Playing feels natural and safe to children because:
• failure is not a deterrent to trying again
• there is ample time to problem solve through testing and evaluation
• repetition is encouraged and expected
• it engages the body and the brain
• playing is joyful!

Pointing to the beat mat, using the body, and playing simple instruments give children numerous opportunities to experience the steady beat in a piece of music. Learning to feel and keep a steady beat is an important part of musicianship. It has also been shown to have a positive impact on foundational mathematics concepts, early literacy skills and fine- and gross-motor skills. So, keep on keeping the beat!
Optional home fun activity: Make the ‘To Market’ cutouts on page 27
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!