White Horses Welcome!
I’m so excited to have you and your child(ren) join me in Sound Beginnings! Classes begin August 29, 2022 (confirm day/time your child is registered for at the bottom of this page) and will be held at my home studio 1524 N. Seton Mesa, AZ 85205.
Just a reminder, tuition is due the first day of class and is $180 for the semester for a single child or $220 per family. (can be split into four monthly payments of $45 for a single child or $55 for a family). There is a $10/$15 registration fee, so if you haven’t paid that yet, please send that with tuition on the first day of class. Tuition is only paid through Venmo @JudieMusic.
Every week after class, you will receive a link like this that will help you get the most out of your Sound Beginnings experience. I will remind you of the meaning behind the activities we are doing in class, and tell you about optional activities you can do at home to follow up with your child’s learning.
You can always contact me if you have any concerns. The best way to reach me is to text me at 480-747-3803, or you can email me at [email protected].
Get ready to have FUN!
In lieu of a Parent Orientation, I’ve put together this short slideshow with ALL the information you need about classes, including parking, tuition, dates, etc.
If you CLICK ON the picture below it will open the slideshow full-sized so you can see it all clearly.
**Be sure to download the LPM app and listen to your White Horses album every day! The ear training and vocal/verbal training they gain from listening to and singing those songs is a huge part of the value you are paying for in these classes. Don’t miss out!! Your child will also be more comfortable and participate more in class if they are familiar with the songs.
Watch this quick video tour of my studio and the expectations in class.
We still have a few spots available. If you notice openings in your class (or any class), PLEASE consider recommending these classes to your friends and family.
Monday 10:30am (FULL)
- Molly Basko
- Jacob Desvergnes
- Colin Johnson
- Henk McGirr
- Amelia & Baby Owens
- Martin & Maggie Vester
- Jonah Wamsley
Monday 3:30pm
- Sharp Boyd
- Jimmy Hall
- Bennett Hall
- Theo Chavez
- Shane Spear
Monday 5:30pm
- Rory Tovar
- Aylah Tovar
- Nelson & Amelia Chandler
- Lincoln Durrant
- Jacob Large
- Levi Fredericks
- Scarlett Fredericks