Month: August 2022

White Horses Lesson 6White Horses Lesson 6

Keep up the play at home! Research indicates that children learn most effectively through play. In addition to being fun, play promotes creativity, imagination, cognitive, social, and emotional development in a joyful setting that allows for repetition that leads to skill mastery. Imaginative play encourages healthy development in toddlers. Pretend [...]

Category: White Horses

Tags: #WH6

White Horses Lesson 5White Horses Lesson 5

Coloring is an iconic childhood experience. Your Student Workbook provides many opportunities for your child to color. Not only is it fun, it promotes fine motor development, hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and sensory processing. Color is one of the first ways young children make visual distinctions and categorize what they [...]

Category: White Horses

Tags: #WH5

White Horses Lesson 4White Horses Lesson 4

A child’s natural desire for repetition is the brain’s instinctive way of helping them master skills and concepts. When engaged in an activity, the brain and body send electrical signals back and forth. The more practice the nervous system has at receiving and sending messages, the more efficiently it operates, [...]

Category: White Horses

Tags: #WH4

White Horses Lesson 2White Horses Lesson 2

It is so fun to see these little ones start to participate! Remember, don’t force (or bribe) participation. Your child will participate when he/she feels comfortable. He/she is learning just by listening and watching. But do stay in the same room as them, for safety reasons. Also, the more you [...]

Category: White Horses

Tags: #WH2

White Horses Lesson 1White Horses Lesson 1

We’re off to a great start! To keep up the momentum, listen, listen, listen to the White Horse album. Your little one will engage and participate more readily in class when s/he recognizes the music! Also, Remember to bring your tote, workbook and wrist bells to class every week. Did [...]

Category: White Horses

Tags: #WH1