Bridge Lesson 1

Hey Bridge friends!
Bear with me – future parent emails will be far shorter. 🙂 To save some time, I’ve been given approval to use another teacher’s parent content and videos for Bridge this year. She put a lot of time and effort into the helpful videos and tips, and they will be very beneficial for you and your student.
🎵Like mentioned in the Bridge Homework Lesson 1 video, 5+ practices per week would be great for consistency, routine and for slaying those dragons…but this week, it is the QUALITY of the practices that matters more to me than the number. The way to be most successful in Bridge is to get into a rhythm with practice early on and understand the function of each book.
🎵Please have your children watch the entire 10 min video linked above so that they feel equipped to practice with their bridge books this week. They are welcome to practice along with the video, though the songs were purposely played faster than the students will do in order for them to hear how they are supposed to sound.
🎵The new books can be confusing! The following photo may be helpful in interpreting the workbook assignment sheet! Your child has five “sections” on their workbook assignment page – these are for the 3 books (Technique, Songbook, Workbook), Flashcard assignments and additional work/songs I may assign as we go on.

🎵Students should complete one Theory page per day. They should complete the Rhythm and Reading and History portions as well. This means that practices may be long this week…but I promise they will get shorter and shorter as the kids get into the routine of practice!!
🎵Composer’s Corner #1
Just in case the QR codes don’t work for the Medieval Monk music history videos, they can be found here: Monks in Medieval Timesand Meet a Medieval Monk.
🎵Also attached **for parents eyes only** – theory ANSWER key pages for lesson 1. Use only if your student has given the pages a good attempt on their own. I don’t want any of my supplementary videos or answer keys to be used as a crutch to their own problem-solving!
Looking forward to any questions!!
-Ms. Judie