Bridge Lesson 16

Oh my goodness, winter break didn’t FREEZE up a your kiddos progress – thank you so much for helping them keep their skills sharp. All your kiddos can benefit from an adult quizzing them on their flashcards and helping them remember how to read their notes. Jack Frost tried to blow that info out of their minds! 🥶 They will likely need help practicing this week, and you may decide they need a private lesson to help them catch up. Lesson 16 was such a BLAST!!! I absolutely love working with these musicians. 🙂
Bridge Homework #16 video. Students should watch the short video for tips and tricks on how to practice strong this week! Also note that students will switch off doing the Symbols/Terms and Purple Magic flashcards (one set at each practice) this week.
Composer’s Corner 16 has no videos this week. Theory page answers are attached for parent’s eyes only.
Looking forward to any questions or concerns!
-Ms. Judie