Bridge Lesson 29
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Hey all!
Please have your students read this email so that we are all on the same page!
🎵 Students should watch the Lesson 29 video during one of their first practices.
🎵Students should practice the yellow flat flashcards this week. They should also find the relative minor.
🎵 Homework in the student workbook is different this week. Students should do the following before our last class on Thursday:
- Pg 81 – complete Rhythm and Reading 29
- Pgs 82+83 – Check their answers for Theory Quiz 1 against the attached answer key (write checkmarks or smiley faces 🙂 next to correct answers, cross out and change any wrong answers)
- Pgs 84+85 – complete Music History 29
- Pg 87 – complete Rhythm and Reading 30
At the beginning of our last class this coming Thursday, we will do Theory Quiz 2 (pgs 88-90) and rehearse for the recital. Then we will do our End of Year Party! 🎉🎉
The recital is scheduled for Saturday May 4th at 6:30pm and will be held at my home.
Looking forward to any questions,
-Judie Hall