Bridge Lesson 7

Hey Bridge friends!
Some new tricky songs, concepts and interval flashcards this week!
Students do not need to play the intervals or time themselves doing the flashcards this week. They should just name the interval and determine whether it is harmonic or melodic.
Bridge Homework #7 Video – please have your student complete their first practice while watching the video.
Also, it is expected that students are attempting to practice along with the audio tracks when specified in their homework books UNLESS the activity or song is brand new that week. I am totally fine with students NOT playing with the album on new material!
Composer’s Corner 7 (links in case the QR doesn’t work)
1. Harpsichord –
2. Vivaldi –
3. Ospedale della Pieta –
Theory page answers are attached for parent’s eyes only.
Looking forward to any questions or concerns!