Spirit Week 2023

What is Spirit Week?
Spirit week is a way to celebrate all you and your children have accomplished in Let’s Play Music thus far, AND spread the word about Let’s Play Music to all your friends and family! This is fun for everyone and SUPER helpful for your teacher. I really appreciate your willingness to share the JOY of MUSIC with your friends and family.
How do I participate?
PRIZES: I have assembled a large number of musical giveaways up to $50 in value. Children will earn points by completing certain tasks.
1) Register for next semester if you haven’t already. Registration opened Mar. 1st (each child registered gets 5 points for every class they are registered in.)
2) Share a pic from class on social media #JudieMusic #SoundBeginnings #LetsPlayMusic #weloveLPM2024 (send me a screen shot for credit)
3) Wear a LPM or Sound Beginnings t-shirt, or something else musical to class.
(this one is trickier for SBs families because I don’t provide a t-shirt at this age group. Feel free to get creative! 🙂
4) Share a pic of your kiddo practicing LPM or enjoying their Sound Beginnings music and cymbals at home! #JudieMusic #SoundBeginnings #LetsPlayMusic #weloveLPM2024 (send me a screen shot for credit)
5) Share a review on my business google page. (send me a screen shot for credit)
BONUS: Host a yard sign in your front yard for the month for 30 points!

**When posting on social media, be sure to use the 3 hashtags listed above.
Feel free to use a portion of this image when posting on social media: