Black Spiders Lesson 7

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It was fun to skip and dance in class, wasn’t it? Some children might not have moved very much. For most children this was a brand new activity. It is typical for young children to just “absorb” an activity that is new to them. If you can find a scarf or piece of light-weight fabric at home, they will LOVE dancing around with them and using their imaginations!

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Why do children learn best through play?

Children learn most effectively when they are playing. They are creative and flexible. During play, failure is not a a deterrent to trying again, and problem solving takes place through testing and evaluation. Play contains repetition, which is essential to a child’s security. In Sound Beginnings, musical concepts and skills are presented in a playful, joyful setting with a parent present and participating. Children absorb knowledge and ability in a fun, safe, enriching environment. Parents can re-create this environment at home with the help of their home CD and student workbook. 

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optional home fun activity

Lesson 7: You can make your own “Opposites Puzzle” to play at home and in class! Next week we will also be using our candle stick, Old Lady pieces, Little Miss Muffet & her spider. Feel free to bring your own, assembled pieces to use in class – but it’s not required!

explore & connect

Check out this fun, educational version of “Side by Side”! It’s fun to see clearly the different parts of a harmony.

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!