Yellow Arrows Lesson 15

Thank you parents for attending Station Day!
–Here is the link for the Escape Rooms if your kiddo would enjoy trying the Red Balloons/Blue Bugs/Green Turtles/Yellow Arrows rooms again. It’s a really valuable practice and review of key concepts they will be using next year.
-Remember to be practicing for the recital diligently for the next two weeks.
-The recital is 6:30pm on Saturday, May 3rd at the Red Mountain Multigenerational Center.
7550 E Adobe
Mesa, AZ 85207
–Registration is wrapping up, only a few spots left!
-I just want to re-emphasize the importance of keeping their skills sharpened through daily practice. 1 minute a day is better than 10 minutes once a week!
Celebrate Connections
Parental attention is a powerful driving force of motivation. Choose to make your attention toward your child’s developing musicianship overwhelmingly positive. Notice and cheer when they sing. Let them know you love to hear their voice. Allow your child to overhear you telling a friend or family member something positive about their hard work this year, or the happiness you see in them when they are playing, singing, or making music. ALL your positive reinforcements will pay dividends for years to come. <3

Chamniamo Gogo
Turn out your toes and celebrate the conclusion of a REMARKABLE year of singing, playing, and learning how to play the piano! Hooray!!!

With summer vacation on the horizon it’s great to have a Practice Plan to keep your little musician’s skills sharpened to be ready for Purple Magic in the fall!
For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!