Bridge Lesson 2

Hey Bridge friends!
Lesson Video – to watch before/during the first practice
The Bridge Lesson 2 video is longer than last week. The teacher who created it took the time in the video to talk through a few important new concepts and pages – what the kids should add to them (colors, etc) and why. She also played the new songs slowly so that your students can feel welcome to play along! Feel free to skip to the song or theory page you need help with. We can pretend that I’m over at your house and going through the whole practice with your student! 😂
Composer’s Corner 2
Portative Organ There is NO dialogue in the video – it is just a woman playing a tune on her portative organ. I still think your students can find the answers to the questions on page 13 in their workbook just by watching her play.
Theory Pages – attached
**for parents eyes only**
Use only if your student has given the pages a good attempt on their own.
I don’t want any of my supplementary videos or answer keys to be used as a crutch to their own problem-solving!
Looking forward to any questions!!