Brown Teddy Bears Lesson 7
FALL BREAK – Oct 6th-12th – NO CLASS
Friday classes will be held October 4th this week.
Even young infants who do not show outward signs of learning are actually gaining from attending Sound Beginnings. A baby’s brain is highly sensitized to stimulus and will develop synapses based on the type of input received. Social engagement, pleasant interaction, movement, sounds, and patterns occurring in music will all stimulate the infant brain and enhance development.
The development of the singing voice grows from a child’s natural desire to imitate. Children may sing spontaneously because it is joyous, playful, personal, expressive, and creative. By age 4 or 5, many children have developed their singing range; typically from the pitches of middle C to treble C. Sound Beginnings songs are designed to fall within children’s natural range.
Optional home fun activity: Color the Weather Bear and cut out his clothes on pages 21-25 in your workbook
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)
For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!