Author: judiemusic

My name is Judie Hall. I live and teach in Mesa, AZ. I have an incredible husband and 5 beautiful children. I love animals and own a dog, 3 cats, a turtle, a dozen chickens, and some fish! I have been blessed with a musical education that began when I was 8 years old. I play and teach both the piano and the violin. I have 15 years of musical teaching experience. I started teaching Let's Play Music and Sound Beginnings Spring of 2019, but I have been involved with the company for 10+ years.

Blue Bugs Lesson 1Blue Bugs Lesson 1

What a fun lesson we had! Thanks parents for coming. The kids love it when you are here! Next week only students, puppets, and homework come to class. Here are a few classroom reminders… 1. Be on time: If a student is consistently late, they will miss important exercises that [...]

Category: Blue Bugs

Tags: #BB1