Author: judiemusic

My name is Judie Hall. I live and teach in Mesa, AZ. I have an incredible husband and 5 beautiful children. I love animals and own a dog, 3 cats, a turtle, a dozen chickens, and some fish! I have been blessed with a musical education that began when I was 8 years old. I play and teach both the piano and the violin. I have 15 years of musical teaching experience. I started teaching Let's Play Music and Sound Beginnings Spring of 2019, but I have been involved with the company for 10+ years.

Pink Piggies Lesson 8Pink Piggies Lesson 8

**Spirit Month details and raffle challenges are listed in detail on this post. (Click that sentence). The Sound Beginnings curriculum consists primarily of American folk songs and chants, nostalgic songs, nursery rhymes, and well-known classical pieces. You likely recognized a few of the songs or rhymes on our album! If [...]

Category: Pink Piggies

Tags: #PP8

Pink Piggies Lesson 6Pink Piggies Lesson 6

Sound Beginnings is built on the premise that everyone is capable of developing musical talent and that the early years are the perfect time to start building a musical skillset. The meaningful and purpose-filled class activities provide a foundation for further music study. Parents can foster a child’s musical development [...]

Category: Pink Piggies

Tags: #PP6

Pink Piggies Lesson 5Pink Piggies Lesson 5

In today’s busy world, Sound Beginnings provides an opportunity for meaningful interaction and purposeful connection with your child. As you laugh, play, hug, sing, and dance with your children, you are bonding them to music and nurturing a stronger relationship with you! This semester we will focus on the pentatonic [...]

Category: Pink Piggies

Tags: #PP5

Pink Piggies Lesson 4Pink Piggies Lesson 4

Even young infants benefit from the interactive nature of Sound Beginnings classes. A baby’s hearing is fully developed and the brain is highly sensitized and wired for learning. Studies indicate multiple benefits of interactive musical play in very young children:• better developed early communication skills• earlier and more sophisticated brain [...]

Category: Pink Piggies

Tags: #PP4

Pink Piggies Lesson 2Pink Piggies Lesson 2

Some more reserved children are hesitant to participate fully in class. Parents can encourage participation (though never force/bribe) by simply engaging in and enjoying class activities themselves, and listening to the music at home. In doing so you are demonstrating how fun music can be and inviting your child to [...]

Category: Pink Piggies

Tags: #PP2