Red Balloons Lesson 13

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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next Wednesday is lesson 14. Then Wednesday December 4th is our last lesson of the semester and is PARENT DAY. Please make the necessary scheduling and childcare arrangements. This will be a special opportunity for your child to show you what they’ve learned and play musical activities with them. Only one parent need attend.

Sound Beginnings, my mommy & me music class for 0-4 year olds, is open for current student families to register. The popular days/times get filled quickly. These classes are so enriching and are really excellent preparation for Let’s Play Music and Kindergarten. Click HERE if you’d like to get your younger kiddos registered. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Wow, it’s always so fun in music class! When doing the CD and bell practice you may at times, feel it is unessential ‘busy work’ and one more ‘to do’ for you to accomplish that day. Keep in mind each LPM activity does have a purpose and that the key to successful musicianship and smarter kids are parents willing to take the time to do small and simple things daily in a fun playful way. These activities may seem insignificant, but the final product will astound you. Stay focused on the end goal and the play practice time will seem more meaningful. We missed those that weren’t with us this week. Hope you are feeling better!

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In a Humble Manger

This is a fun song to help kids understand how to keep a steady beat. We also talked about the term lullaby.

Pull Away

With this song we also participated in what a steady beat feels like and our ears heard the MI RE DO pattern! Each song helps us to internalize many facets of music.

Let’s Play Music

Today our ears heard layers of sound as we sang the MI RE DO and SOL SOL DO ending to “Let’s Play Music” at the same time. Singing in harmony helps us to sing in tune and eventually sing in parts.


YES! WE READ MUSIC TODAY in our DO RE MI activity! So exciting! We are teaching our students to read by relationships, (steps, skips, leaps) not by note names. This is a more natural way to teach children to read music and it produces better sight readers because their brain isn’t bogged down with have to interpret the note names yet.

Great Big Red Balloon

Today we practiced visualizing the staff. In putting a note up on the staff and covering it, we let the children close their eyes and see it in their heads. If they can see it in their heads, they learn to internalize the staff and where the notes sit on the staff. Staff visualization ultimately results in learning to quickly read music.


Check out one of our amazing Let’s Play Music graduates!

For my convenience, I have preloaded content for the whole semester. I will update each future post with specific time-sensitive info before I send the link each week. If you choose to read ahead you might see details that don’t apply to your child’s class. For this reason I do not recommend reading ahead. Thank you!