Day: January 16, 2021

Yellow Arrows Lesson 15Yellow Arrows Lesson 15

Thank you parents for attending Station Day! –Here is the link for the Escape Rooms if your kiddo would enjoy trying the Red Balloons/Blue Bugs/Green Turtles/Yellow Arrows rooms again. It’s a really valuable practice and review of key concepts they will be using next year. -Remember to be practicing for [...]

Category: Yellow Arrows

Tags: #YA15

Yellow Arrows Lesson 7Yellow Arrows Lesson 7

Hello Parents, Next Friday I have been asked to give a presentation for hundreds of Let’s Play Music teachers at our annual Symposium. This is a huge honor and I’m so pleased to have this opportunity. Unfortunately, it interferes with our class time. Normally I would just push all future [...]

Category: Yellow Arrows

Tags: #YA7