Author: judiemusic

My name is Judie Hall. I live and teach in Mesa, AZ. I have an incredible husband and 5 beautiful children. I love animals and own a dog, 3 cats, a turtle, a dozen chickens, and some fish! I have been blessed with a musical education that began when I was 8 years old. I play and teach both the piano and the violin. I have 15 years of musical teaching experience. I started teaching Let's Play Music and Sound Beginnings Spring of 2019, but I have been involved with the company for 10+ years.

Gold Stars Lesson 2Gold Stars Lesson 2

If your child is reserved and hesitant to fully engage in class, don’t worry! Children really do learn from observation. You can encourage their participation by enjoying the class yourself. This serves as a gentle invitation to join the fun. Listening to the music at home is another way to [...]

Category: Gold Stars

Tags: #GS2

Gold Stars Lesson 1Gold Stars Lesson 1

What a great first day in Gold Stars! I look forward to a wonderful semester with you and your children.Please remember: If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, please do so to access parent communication and all your albums. You can also download your digital tracks to a computer and [...]

Category: Gold Stars

Tags: #GS1

Yellow Arrows Lesson 15Yellow Arrows Lesson 15

Thank you parents for attending Station Day! –Here is the link for the Escape Rooms if your kiddo would enjoy trying the Red Balloons/Blue Bugs/Green Turtles/Yellow Arrows rooms again. It’s a really valuable practice and review of key concepts they will be using next year. -Remember to be practicing for [...]

Category: Yellow Arrows

Tags: #YA15