Author: judiemusic

My name is Judie Hall. I live and teach in Mesa, AZ. I have an incredible husband and 5 beautiful children. I love animals and own a dog, 3 cats, a turtle, a dozen chickens, and some fish! I have been blessed with a musical education that began when I was 8 years old. I play and teach both the piano and the violin. I have 15 years of musical teaching experience. I started teaching Let's Play Music and Sound Beginnings Spring of 2019, but I have been involved with the company for 10+ years.

Red Balloons Lesson 9Red Balloons Lesson 9

Please click the button at the bottom of the page to print your child’s puppet show. Have fun coloring your new puppet show pages! It’s important that you help your child color/cut/paste their puppets to the sticks so they can bring them to class EVERY week. It’s always tragic when [...]

Category: Red Balloons

Tags: #RB9

Red Balloons Lesson 3Red Balloons Lesson 3

Parents, class went SO WELL today! Thank you for coming and being an active part of your child’s musical education! Remember, next week, just drop off your kiddo with their completed homework 5 minutes before class and we’ll be ready 45 minutes later! =) If you drop them off earlier [...]

Category: Red Balloons

Tags: #RB3